
Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Alright Hello I have a few minutes to talk about the timer and real life. This is clearly a dumb post since you've heard about these things I hope. Except for the real life. I hope you didn't hear about that. I just want to give a shout out to the twisted theurgist because i'm going through what she's going through now. Hmm. Real life has put me on a hiatus and for now... I only check my garden.

Sorry I din't talk a =bout the timer and all.

See ya.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New mobile post

This is the first post from my phone

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An quick update will I can still

Hello everyone,

It's been quite a while since I posted. Sorry, I had to take break from posting for awhile. And that's not going to change. I'll post eventually about every 3 weeks or so. Changes to my character. Well, I got to Grandmaster Gardener. Thanks to the Silver Trumpet Vine getting to epic. :) Still the same level since I haven't gotten to play in while. I'm going to join The Spiral Hunger Games (more info here) You have to be level 58, but I'm asking for an exemption. Now who's ready for winter tusk. It's like saying what they say in this video but replace the word Wednesday with Wintertusk. And Danville with the spiral. And Isabella with Kingsisle. And... well you get the point.

And the new pets popping up everywhere. Better get a dragon to train so I can get that elusive egg pet. Or just get the fier beetle (mix with hydra and firecat), or get that unicorn that gives metoer strike. Ehh. I have a lot of things to do. Well, for the sake of it, I'm going to hold a contest. All you have to do is comment, follow (if you didn't already), and boom, you're entered. Now it might be awhile until I can put the codes up, so don't get mad. I have about 3 codes to give away. And these will be good ones, I promise (hope). Remember, if you have a twitter, you can follow me at @aspCEO.

Edit. Friendly dragon made it to adult and now gives...

See Ya,

Isaac Stormflame

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hey since I don't have a sub, nor am i a crowns player...

When I tried to leave from my house to go to a different world ( Have no subscription nor am I a crowns player until last post), These guys popped up. I thought I was pretty cool of them to do this. What do you think?
(It shows that Krokotopia is the one worth buying since it has over 50 quests, Celestia up next since the Grotto has a lot of good bosses to farm, Marleybone third because of # of quests, Mooshu forth because of some quests, and tied for last are Dragonspyre and Grizzleheim. What's your opnion?)

Remove Formatting from selection

Here is one for Firecat Alley (The only place I don't have in Wizard City. Also, notice that it almost costs as much as Kroktopia!)